@misc{Lexicon of Arguments, title = {Quotation from: Lexicon of Arguments – Concepts - Ed. Martin Schulz, 10 Apr 2024}, author = {Boer,Steven E.}, subject = {Referential Quantification}, note = {I 11 Referential quantification/refQ/substitutional quantification/sQ/non-existent/non-existence/Boer: for all those who believe that there are non-existent things, it is possible to accept (8): (8) (referential quantification) It is possible that some things that do not exist are nameless. N.B.: with substitutional quantification, (8) would be reformulated to (9) (9) (substutional quantification) It is possible that (Σy) (y does not exist & y is nameless). Problem: (9) cannot be true because for every name a, the assertion [a is nameless] would be self-contradictory.}, note = { Boer I Steven E. Boer Thought-Contents: On the Ontology of Belief and the Semantics of Belief Attribution (Philosophical Studies Series) New York 2010 Boer II Steven E. Boer Knowing Who Cambridge 1986 }, file = {http://philosophy-science-humanities-controversies.com/listview-details.php?id=755263} url = {http://philosophy-science-humanities-controversies.com/listview-details.php?id=755263} }