Dictionary of Arguments

Philosophical and Scientific Issues in Dispute

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The author or concept searched is found in the following controversies.
Disputed term/author/ism Author Vs Author
Danto, A. Armstrong Vs Danto, A. Arm I 131
ArmstrongVsDanto: the difficulty is that such examples have precisely the same meaning as the expressions that are signs, and yet they are not signs of the required kind!
Arthur C. Danto/(s): thesis: there are twin pairs of objects of which one is a work of art, while the other is not (This context was not established by Armstrong, the "Vs" is implicit).

Armstrong I
David M. Armstrong
Meaning and Communication, The Philosophical Review 80, 1971, pp. 427-447
Handlung, Kommunikation, Bedeutung, Georg Meggle Frankfurt/M. 1979

Armstrong II (a)
David M. Armstrong
Dispositions as Categorical States
Dispositions, Tim Crane London New York 1996

Armstrong II (b)
David M. Armstrong
Place’ s and Armstrong’ s Views Compared and Contrasted
Dispositions, Tim Crane London New York 1996

Armstrong II (c)
David M. Armstrong
Reply to Martin
Dispositions, Tim Crane London New York 1996

Armstrong II (d)
David M. Armstrong
Second Reply to Martin London New York 1996

Armstrong III
D. Armstrong
What is a Law of Nature? Cambridge 1983