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Politics: Politics is the process of making decisions in groups. It is about how people come together to allocate resources, settle disputes, and make choices about how to live together. See also Democracy, Society._____________Annotation: The above characterizations of concepts are neither definitions nor exhausting presentations of problems related to them. Instead, they are intended to give a short introduction to the contributions below. – Lexicon of Arguments. | |||
Author | Concept | Summary/Quotes | Sources |
Benjamin Barber on Politics - Dictionary of Arguments
Brocker I 684 Politics/BarberVsLiberalism/Barber: Politics is not the application of truth to the problem of human relations, but the application of human relations to the problem of truth. (1) Brocker I 685 Following Aristotle and Dewey, Barber defines politics as a "way of life". See Democracy/Barber, Liberalism/Barber, Participation/Barber. 1. Benjamin Barber, Strong Democray. Participatory Politics for a New Age. Twentieth-anniversary edition, Berkeley/Los Angeles/London 2003 p. 64f. Michael Haus, „Benjamin Barber, Starke Demokratie“ in: Manfred Brocker (Hg.) Geschichte des politischen Denkens. Das 20. Jahrhundert. Frankfurt/M. 2018_____________Explanation of symbols: Roman numerals indicate the source, arabic numerals indicate the page number. The corresponding books are indicated on the right hand side. ((s)…): Comment by the sender of the contribution. Translations: Dictionary of Arguments The note [Concept/Author], [Author1]Vs[Author2] or [Author]Vs[term] resp. "problem:"/"solution:", "old:"/"new:" and "thesis:" is an addition from the Dictionary of Arguments. If a German edition is specified, the page numbers refer to this edition. |
PolBarb I Benjamin Barber The Truth of Power. Intellectual Affairs in the Clinton White House New York 2001 Brocker I Manfred Brocker Geschichte des politischen Denkens. Das 20. Jahrhundert Frankfurt/M. 2018 |