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Paul Ricoeur on Religious Belief - Dictionary of Arguments

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Religious belief/Ricoeur:
1. First of all, see in the concern for the object, the characteristic of every phenomenological analysis, the first trace of that belief in a revelation through the Word. As we know, this concern takes the form of a "neutral" will for a description and for an edition. One reduces by explaining by causes (psychological, social etc.), by genesis (the individual, historical etc.), by function (the affective, ideological etc.). One describes by working out the (noetic) aim and its (noematic) correlate: the meant something, the object implied in rite, myth and belief. >Epoché/Ricoeur
, >Beliefs/Ricoeur.
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2. According to the phenomenology of religion, there is a "truth" of symbols; in the neutral attitude of the Husserlian epoché, this truth means nothing other than the fulfilment
of the momentous intention. For the phenomenology of religion to be possible, it is necessary and sufficient that there be not only one, but several ways of fulfilling the different intentions of meaning, depending on the different object realms; the "verification" in the sense of logical positivism is only one type of fulfilment among others and not the canonical way of fulfilment. This type is required by the corresponding object type, namely the physical object and, in another sense, the historical object - but not by the concept of truth as such (...) by the call
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for fulfilment in general. Because of this diversity of "fulfillment", phenomenology speaks of religious experience in a weakened, neutralized way, not by analogy, but according to the specific type of object and the specific mode of fulfillment in this field.
>Epoché/Ricoeur, >Interpretation/Ricoeur, >Symbol/Eliade.

Explanation of symbols: Roman numerals indicate the source, arabic numerals indicate the page number. The corresponding books are indicated on the right hand side. ((s)…): Comment by the sender of the contribution. Translations: Dictionary of Arguments
The note [Concept/Author], [Author1]Vs[Author2] or [Author]Vs[term] resp. "problem:"/"solution:", "old:"/"new:" and "thesis:" is an addition from the Dictionary of Arguments. If a German edition is specified, the page numbers refer to this edition.

Ricoeur I
Paul Ricoeur
De L’interprétation. Essai sur Sigmund Freud
German Edition:
Die Interpretation. Ein Versuch über Freud Frankfurt/M. 1999

Ricoeur II
Paul Ricoeur
Interpretation theory: discourse and the surplus of meaning Fort Worth 1976

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