Psychology Dictionary of Arguments

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Bible: The Bible is a sacred text in Christianity, comprising the Old and New Testaments. It contains religious writings, including historical accounts, poetry, prophecy, and teachings. See also Bible criticism.
Annotation: The above characterizations of concepts are neither definitions nor exhausting presentations of problems related to them. Instead, they are intended to give a short introduction to the contributions below. – Lexicon of Arguments.

Author Concept Summary/Quotes Sources

Martin Luther on Bible - Dictionary of Arguments

Gadamer I 178
Bible/Interpretation/Sacred Scripture/Luther/Gadamer: The position of Luther(1) is approximately the following: Sacred Scripture is sui ipsius interpres. It does not require tradition to acquire the right understanding of it, nor does it require an art of interpretation in the style of the ancient doctrine of the fourfold sense of scripture; rather, the text of the Scripture has an unambiguous sense that can be determined from it itself, the sensus litteralis.
The allegorical method in particular, which previously seemed indispensable for the dogmatic unity of biblical teaching, is only legitimate where the allegorical intention is given in the Scripture itself. Thus it is in place in the parable discourses. The Old Testament, on the other hand, must not gain its specifically Christian relevance through an allegorical interpretation.
One has to understand it literally, and just by understanding it literally
Gadamer I 179
and recognizing in it the position of the law, which is canceld out by the act of grace of Christ, it has a Christian meaning. The literal meaning of the Scriptures, of course, is not in every place and at any moment clearly understandable. For it is the whole of Holy Scripture that guides the understanding of the individual, just as, conversely, this whole is only acquired from the understanding of the individual that is carried out.
Gadamer: Such a circular relationship between whole and part is nothing new in itself. This was already known in ancient rhetoric, which compared perfect speech with the organic body, the relationship between the head and the limbs.
Luther and his successors transferred this image known from classical rhetoric to the process of understanding and developed as a general principle of text interpretation that all the details of a text are to be understood from the contextus, the context, and from the unified sense at which the whole is aimed, the scopus.
>Circular reasoning, >Hermeneutic Circle, >Hermeneutics, >Context,
1. In invoking this principle for the interpretation of Holy Scripture, Reformation theology, for its part, remains caught in a dogmatically founded premise. It makes the precondition that the Bible itself is a unity.
Gadamer I 180
2. (...) the theology of the Reformation does not even appear to be consistent.
By finally using the Protestant faith formulas as a guide for understanding the unity of the Bible, it too abolishes the principle of the Scriptures in favour of a, however, short-term Reformation tradition. Not only the counter-reformatory theology has argued against this but also Dilthey(2).
>Reformation, >W. Dilthey.

1. According to K. Roll, the hermeneutical principles of the Lutheran Bible explanation have been thoroughly researched, especially by G. Ebeling. (G. Ebeling, Evangelienauslegung. Eine Untersuchung zu Luthers Hermeneutik [1942] and Die Anfänge von Luthers Hermeneutik [ZThK 48, 1951 , 172 -230] and more recently the Word of God and hermeneutics [ZThK 56, 1959]).
2. Cf. Dilthey II, 126 Note 3 the criticism of Flacius by Richard Simon.

Explanation of symbols: Roman numerals indicate the source, arabic numerals indicate the page number. The corresponding books are indicated on the right hand side. ((s)…): Comment by the sender of the contribution. Translations: Dictionary of Arguments
The note [Concept/Author], [Author1]Vs[Author2] or [Author]Vs[term] resp. "problem:"/"solution:", "old:"/"new:" and "thesis:" is an addition from the Dictionary of Arguments. If a German edition is specified, the page numbers refer to this edition.

Gadamer I
Hans-Georg Gadamer
Wahrheit und Methode. Grundzüge einer philosophischen Hermeneutik 7. durchgesehene Auflage Tübingen 1960/2010

Gadamer II
H. G. Gadamer
The Relevance of the Beautiful, London 1986
German Edition:
Die Aktualität des Schönen: Kunst als Spiel, Symbol und Fest Stuttgart 1977

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