Economics Dictionary of Arguments

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Reality, philosophy: A. It is controversial, which should be counted to reality, that is to say, the set of objects and states which occur in the world. Theories differ strongly regarding the definitions of facts and situations or the consideration of internal states of subjects. Thus, a situation can be described in many ways, whereby very different assumptions about the involved objects and relations come into play. See also ontology, realism, recognition, epistemology, constructivism, facts, situations, internal/external, totality, relations, simulation. B.Reality is an expression for the totality of what is opposed to the perception of subjects and not only imagined. In this sense, reality is what is independent of us; on the other hand, some authors regard their formability as proof of their existence. See also dependence, independence, possibility, necessity, actualism, realism, idealism, constructivism, present, simulation, aboutness, circularity, objects, things, order.
Annotation: The above characterizations of concepts are neither definitions nor exhausting presentations of problems related to them. Instead, they are intended to give a short introduction to the contributions below. – Lexicon of Arguments.

Author Concept Summary/Quotes Sources

Nelson Goodman on Reality - Dictionary of Arguments

I 18ff
Reality/world/Goodman: the many materials from which one generates worlds - matter, energy, waves, phenomena - are produced together with the worlds. But not from nothing, but from other worlds. Our creation is re-creation.
The beginning should be left to theology. There is no hope of firm foundation.
The talk of unstructured content or the given contradicts itself, because speech cannot be unstructured.
I 18
Kant: the concept of a pure content is empty.
I 34
... should we stop speaking of right versions as if each world would be its own and should all be recognized as versions of one and the same neutral, underlying world?
Goodman/thesis: the world which is regained like this is, as noted earlier, a world without kinds, without order, without movement, without peace and without structure. A world fighting for or against is not worth it.
, >Motion, >Objects, >World, >World/Thinking, >Possible worlds, >Nature.
II 70f
Reality/Goodman: the whole reality, as well as space and time are dependent on description (VsKant, VsSalmon, VsRead). Conceivable: space-time points do not exist all the time.
Solution: sum object p + t.
>Conceivability, >Space-time, >Endurantism, >Perdurantism.
IV 44
Reality/Goodman: nothing is realized by a mere decision. The admission that there are many standards of accuracy, can therefore not collapse the distinction between right and wrong.

Explanation of symbols: Roman numerals indicate the source, arabic numerals indicate the page number. The corresponding books are indicated on the right hand side. ((s)…): Comment by the sender of the contribution. Translations: Dictionary of Arguments
The note [Concept/Author], [Author1]Vs[Author2] or [Author]Vs[term] resp. "problem:"/"solution:", "old:"/"new:" and "thesis:" is an addition from the Dictionary of Arguments. If a German edition is specified, the page numbers refer to this edition.

N. Goodman
Catherine Z. Elgin
Reconceptions in Philosophy and Other Arts and Sciences, Indianapolis 1988
German Edition:
Revisionen Frankfurt 1989

Goodman I
N. Goodman
Ways of Worldmaking, Indianapolis/Cambridge 1978
German Edition:
Weisen der Welterzeugung Frankfurt 1984

Goodman II
N. Goodman
Fact, Fiction and Forecast, New York 1982
German Edition:
Tatsache Fiktion Voraussage Frankfurt 1988

Goodman III
N. Goodman
Languages of Art. An Approach to a Theory of Symbols, Indianapolis 1976
German Edition:
Sprachen der Kunst Frankfurt 1997

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