Economics Dictionary of Arguments

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Time: A. Time is a dimension in which events are arranged. At first, no direction (before / after) is defined with this. A time direction can be obtained in the context of the Second Principle of Thermodynamics. However, a global framework must be assumed, within which there is an increase of entropy. The assumption of increasing entropy does not apply to the comparison of local events. B. In the case of the subjective time, the question of direction is less problematic. The perceived time direction is expressed by the learned use of the terms "before" and "after". See also time arrow, time travel, time reversal, symmetry, duration, space time, relativity theory, four-dimensionalism, world lines.
Annotation: The above characterizations of concepts are neither definitions nor exhausting presentations of problems related to them. Instead, they are intended to give a short introduction to the contributions below. – Lexicon of Arguments.

Author Concept Summary/Quotes Sources

Martin Heidegger on Time - Dictionary of Arguments

Figal I 31
Time/Heidegger: cannot be borrowed.
Figal I 110
Time/Heidegger: the time itself is interrogated! For Heidegger, time is, what is called "the idea of the good" in Plato: without the view on time, no design of being is possible, time is the possibility at all; nothing is without time and outside time; nothing becomes different than time.
I 116
New: existence: now no longer "JEMEINIGKEIT", but formation of a common world. (~ 1936). New: philosophy now no longer "interpretation" of existence, but the explicit form of the concept of being.
Figal I 153
Time/Heidegger: "Presence" (presence and absence): basic feature of the time. Heidegger sees time as a space, too.
Cardorff II 116
Time/Heidegger/Cardorff: To ask the question of time is essential, because being is not to be thought of as being presence and time not as being in this sense.
II 116/117
But the existentiality of existence is temporality. Temporality is the being-sense of sorrow. Being reveals itself as a concern for existence. The human himself is the innermost essence of finitude.
>Dasein/Heidegger, >Concern/Heidegger, >Terminology/Heidegger.
II 118
Time: the "original" time is finite! The future is the primary phenomenon of the original time, the existence as the thrown reason of its death, the death as the possibility of being of existence, the primacy of the always not yet of existence. "The progressive liberation for one's own death", "the understanding being as death for the most own possibility."
II 120
Metaphysics: Time as presence (HeideggerVs).
Time/Heidegger: not "is" but ecstasy.
After the turn: Cardorff: the time is rather spatialized and de-timed.
II 123
Wrinkles and bubbles inside an extension- and timeless happening of uncovering and concealment.
>Terminology/Heidegger, >Kehre/Heidegger.

Explanation of symbols: Roman numerals indicate the source, arabic numerals indicate the page number. The corresponding books are indicated on the right hand side. ((s)…): Comment by the sender of the contribution. Translations: Dictionary of Arguments
The note [Concept/Author], [Author1]Vs[Author2] or [Author]Vs[term] resp. "problem:"/"solution:", "old:"/"new:" and "thesis:" is an addition from the Dictionary of Arguments. If a German edition is specified, the page numbers refer to this edition.

Martin Heidegger
Sein und Zeit Tübingen 1993

Figal I
Günter Figal
Martin Heidegger zur Einführung Hamburg 2016

Hei II
Peter Cardorff
Martin Heidegger Frankfurt/M. 1991

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