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Truthmakers - Psychology Dictionary of Arguments | |||
Truth makers, philosophy: Some theories assume that, in the case of true statements, there must be something that is the reason why they are true, the so-called truth makers. Opponents of the truth maker theories represent the view that these truth makers are ultimately a repetition of the description of a state of affairs in other words, whereby a description cannot be made true by another description. One problem is the specification of truth makers when it comes to statements about non-existence. See also reason, justification, truth, facts, universals, natural laws, negation, causality, causal theory, causal explanation, ontology, non-existence, non-factualism._____________Annotation: The above characterizations of concepts are neither definitions nor exhausting presentations of problems related to them. Instead, they are intended to give a short introduction to the contributions below. – Lexicon of Arguments. | |||
Author | Item | More concepts for author | |
Armstrong, David M. | Truthmakers | Armstrong, David M. | |
Austin, J.L. | Truthmakers | Austin, J.L. | |
Bolzano, Bernard | Truthmakers | Bolzano, Bernard | |
Brandom, Robert | Truthmakers | Brandom, Robert | |
Chisholm, Roderick | Truthmakers | Chisholm, Roderick | |
Davidson, Donald | Truthmakers | Davidson, Donald | |
Dummett, Michael E. | Truthmakers | Dummett, Michael E. | |
Evans, Gareth | Truthmakers | Evans, Gareth | |
Lewis, David K. | Truthmakers | Lewis, David K. | |
Martin, Charles B. | Truthmakers | Martin, Charles B. | |
Place, Ullin Thomas | Truthmakers | Place, Ullin Thomas | |
Quine, W.V.O. | Truthmakers | Quine, Willard Van Orman | |
Rorty, Richard | Truthmakers | Rorty, Richard | |
Simons, Peter M. | Truthmakers | Simons, Peter M. | |
Strawson, Peter F. | Truthmakers | Strawson, Peter F. | |
Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Truthmakers | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | |
Ed. Martin Schulz, access date 2024-09-10 |