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 Twodimensional Semantics - Philosophy Dictionary of Arguments
Twodimensional semantics: Twodimensional are semantics that take into account both the properties of a situation described by a statement and the properties of the utterance situation (which need not be identical with the described situation). For example, the statement that one is at location A, B or C is true when it is uttered at location A, B or C (diagonalization). Statements of a particular form are always true, e.g. "I am here now". In this case, the entire two-dimensional matrix is assigned the value "true". Two-dimensional semantics go back to D. Kaplan (D. Kaplan, Demonstratives, in Perry & Wettstein (Eds.) Themes from Kaplan, Oxford, 1989, pp. 481-563). See also context/context dependency, diagonalization, diagonal propositions, A-intensions, C-intensions, Stalnaker intensions, character, content.
Annotation: The above characterizations of concepts are neither definitions nor exhausting presentations of problems related to them. Instead, they are intended to give a short introduction to the contributions below. – Lexicon of Arguments.
Author Item    More concepts for author
Jackson, Frank Twodimensional Semantics   Jackson, Frank C.
Kaplan, David B. Twodimensional Semantics   Kaplan, David B.
Lewis, David K. Twodimensional Semantics   Lewis, David K.
Stalnaker, Robert Twodimensional Semantics   Stalnaker, Robert

Authors A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   Y   Z  

Concepts A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   Z