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The author or concept searched is found in the following 2 controversies.
Disputed term/author/ism Author Vs Author
Chomsky, N. Maturana Vs Chomsky, N. I 128
Syntax / Grammar: If recursion is possible, a closed area can be made ​​of behavior: E.g. dance, human language. Within such a range, the syntactic or grammatical surface structure may be only the description of regularities.   In principle, the surface structure can be arbitrary! Reason: its training is consensual coupling is dependent on the history and not a necessary result of any necessary physiology.
I 129
Conversely, the "universal grammar" of linguists (MaturanaVsChomsky) is recursive only in the universality of the process of coupling structures. The causes of the ability to recursive structures coupling are not self-consensually. They are structurally and depend exclusively on the operations of the nervous system together as a closed neuronal network.

Maturana I
Umberto Maturana
Biologie der Realität Frankfurt 2000
Maturana, H. Luhmann Vs Maturana, H. Kass. 5
Component/"component"/Maturana/LuhmannVsMaturana: strange English: covers too much and leaves open whether the Operations or the structures are meant. This may be sufficient for biology, because it does not start out so strongly from events and attributes elemental character to the chemical states and state character to the elements. Even if with a short period of time.
Kass. 5
Event/System Theory/Luhmann: in the investigation of consciousness and communication the concept of event imposes itself! (Non-resolvable events). A sentence is said on a certain occasion and not again. Perception is only there in a certain moment. No "components" are necessary.
Kass. 6
Structural Coupling/Maturana/Luhmann: I will vary his term a little. Maturana's concept is not precise enough with regard to the causal relationship S/U. System/Maturana: assumes that one can make two statements about a system: 1. it has an autopoietic organization. LuhmannVsMaturana: the concept of organization is unusable for us! It should be enough to say: autopoietic reproduction with great scope. 2. specific structures, depending on the type of creature (mammals, fish, etc.).
Kass. 7
Observation/Maturana: life must function biologically.
LuhmannVsMaturana: but in biological terms it is more difficult to see which limitations constitute the selection. There are obvious possibilities for expanding complexity.
Parallel to sociology: self-fullfilling prophecies: are given into society qua communication and the society that knows how to forecast itself reacts to it.

N. Luhmann
Introduction to Systems Theory, Lectures Universität Bielefeld 1991/1992
German Edition:
Einführung in die Systemtheorie Heidelberg 1992

Lu I
N. Luhmann
Die Kunst der Gesellschaft Frankfurt 1997