Dictionary of Arguments

Philosophical and Scientific Issues in Dispute

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The author or concept searched is found in the following 1 entries.
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Verification Field I 60
Observational conditional/(s)/Definition Test/Physics/Field: physical theories are tested, in which consequences are derived via observables from premises via observables. - Sure, we also refer to the unobservable. >Observation, >Observation sentences, >Unobservables, >Reference, >Theory language.
I 66
Verification/Axiom/Theory/Field: E.g. "verifiable" is part of a theory that does not yet have the new axiom. ---
II 104
Verification conditions/Verification/Verificationism/Field: Verfication conditions (perhaps via stimuli) are given without that-clauses. - So without propositional content. >Content, >Propositional content.
Then we have classes of verification conditions instead of proposition.
>Verification conditions.
Inflationism: would say that these are not proper propositions because these must include truth conditions.

Field I
H. Field
Realism, Mathematics and Modality Oxford New York 1989

Field II
H. Field
Truth and the Absence of Fact Oxford New York 2001

Field III
H. Field
Science without numbers Princeton New Jersey 1980

Field IV
Hartry Field
"Realism and Relativism", The Journal of Philosophy, 76 (1982), pp. 553-67
Theories of Truth, Paul Horwich Aldershot 1994

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