Dictionary of Arguments

Philosophical and Scientific Issues in Dispute

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The author or concept searched is found in the following 1 entries.
Disputed term/author/ism Author
Ethics Husserl I 115 ff
HusserlVsHume: there is no ethics of feelings. HusserlVsKant: VsCategorical Imperative/HusserlVsKant: a formal generalization is not sufficient to characterize ethical correctness. Husserl: a fictitious observer must be able to understand my assessment: a) passively, by chance in circumstances or b) through acting on purpose, reasonable.
>Categorical Imperative, >Circumstances, >Emotivism, >Noncognitivism, >Intersubjectivity/Husserl.
E. Husserl
I Peter Prechtl, Husserl zur Einführung, Hamburg 1991
II "Husserl" in: Eva Picardi et al., Interpretationen - Hauptwerke der Philosophie: 20. Jahrhundert, Stuttgart 1992

The author or concept searched is found in the following controversies.
Disputed term/author/ism Author Vs Author
Kant Husserl Vs Kant I 120
Ethics/Kant: ethics can only be realized in autonomy, that is in distance to all the needs and inclinations. HusserlVsKant: for Kant, missing and valuating acts are not already foreign regulations.
HusserlVsCategorical Imperative: the empty way of generalization is not sufficient to characterize ethical correctness.
Ethics/Husserl: feeling or value predicates have their own legalism.
E. Husserl
I Peter Prechtl, Husserl zur Einführung, Hamburg 1991
II "Husserl" in: Eva Picardi et al., Interpretationen - Hauptwerke der Philosophie: 20. Jahrhundert, Stuttgart 1992