Disputed term/author/ism | Author |
Entry |
Reference |
Language | Benjamin | Bolz II 13 Language/Benjamin: language is not primarily a means of communication, but the medium in which the world is revealed to us. >World/thinking, >World, >Thinking. Bolz II 41 Language/Benjamin: BenjaminVsEquality of language and communication: Language is not pronouncing thoughts. >Communication, >Thoughts. There is nothing that is not in some sense language. Bolz II 42 Language/Benjamin: Form of all existing, all existing communicates. The communication through the word is only a special case of language. But this does not mean that the mental being is identical with the linguistic communication.(1) >Communication, >Mind, >Being, >Words. Language: there is an unbreakable contrast between linguistic and mental being. The language communicates itself.(2) We must distinguish between "thing" and "language thing". Language: language is not identical with "language at all". >Description levels, >Levels/Order. Bolz II 44 Language/Hamann: "Language is the mother of reason and revelation, its most important thing". >Reason. Names: Jewish custom: everyone has a secret name. >Names, >Judaism. Bolz II 56 Language/Benjamin: Grief and melancholy make speechless, but precisely this speechlessness can represent the essence of language. 1. W. Benjamin, Gesammelte Schriften. Unter Mitwirkung von Th. W. Adorno und Gershom Sholem herausgegeben von Rolf Tiedemann und Hermann Schweppenhäuser Frankfurt/M. 1972-89. Bd II, S. 140 2. Ebenda. S. 145ff |
Bo I N. Bolz Kurze Geschichte des Scheins München 1991 Bolz II Norbert Bolz Willem van Reijen Walter Benjamin Frankfurt/M. 1991 |