Dictionary of Arguments

Philosophical and Scientific Issues in Dispute

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The author or concept searched is found in the following 1 entries.
Disputed term/author/ism Author
Postcolonialism Boehm Postcolonialism/Omri BoehmVsPostcolonialism/
KantVsPostcolonialism/Assheuer: Those who - like many postcolonial studies - do not have an abstract idea of man, cannot even justify what is supposed to be concretely wrong with racism. According to Assheuer, Omri Boehm attributes this thesis to Kant.
((s)The term postcolonialism is not used by Kant.)

Thomas Assheuer „Wahrheit für Alle“ in:
Die Zeit 08. 09. 2022

Boehm I
Omri Boehm
Radikaler Universalismus Berlin 2022

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