Disputed term/author/ism | Author |
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Basic Concepts | Lorenzen | Thiel I 80 Formula language for logic: Paul Lorenzen: "prototype approach": rule system for producing linearly composed figures composed of 0 and +. "A" represents such figures as a schematic letter): Rules: (1) > + (2) A > A 0 (3) A > + A +. According to this "calculus" e.g. the figure ++ 00 + can be produced: (1), 2 times (2), then (3). I 80/81 Each figure that can be created must either have a 0 on the right or a + on the left. Test figure 0++ does not work therefore. If we introduced the additional rule: (4) A > 0 A + It would be producible. On the other hand, the following rule would not allow for new figures: (5) A > + + A. This is called "redundancy" (in meta-mathematics "admissibility") Such rule systems can also be referred to as "operative logic". I 83 They can serve the introduction of junctors (I 82 e.g. v) Protologics is therefore still before the logic. >Logic, >Dialogical logic, >Rules, >Rule systems, cf. >Axioms, >Junctions, >Connectives. |
Lorn I P. Lorenzen Constructive Philosophy Cambridge 1987 T I Chr. Thiel Philosophie und Mathematik Darmstadt 1995 |
Definitions | Logic Texts | Hoyningen-Huene II 56 Def/truth value table/junctor/Hoyningen-Huene: the tables define the junctors only if they are understood mathematically - not if they are understood extensionally. >Extensionality, >Truth table, >Connective, >Logical constant. Hoyningen-Huene II 93 Definition/Hoyningen-Huene: Synthetic: here a concept is created (abbreviation) - it cannot be true/false. Analytical: descriptive or lexical definition: here, an existing concept is analyzed - e.g. bachelor/ unmarried man. Explication: is between analytical and synthetic definition - This can be more fruitful. >Explanation, >Analytic/synthetic. --- Read III 40 The definition of truth is different from the adequacy conditions. III 265 Prior: "tonk": does not define connections first and then meaning. >tonk- Then it cannot cause another pair of statements to be equivalent. - N.B.: "analytical validity" cannot show this - BelnapVsPrior: (pro analytical validity): should not get mixed with the definition of existence, it first has to show how it works -> classical negation is illegitimate here. - Negation-free fragment - > Peirce's law: "If P, then Q, only if P, only if P": --- Salmon I 252 Some words must be defined in non-linguistic ways. I 254 Context definition: many logical words are explained by context definition. E.g. "All F are G" is equal to "Only F are G" This is a definition of the word "only". |
Logic Texts Me I Albert Menne Folgerichtig Denken Darmstadt 1988 HH II Hoyningen-Huene Formale Logik, Stuttgart 1998 Re III Stephen Read Philosophie der Logik Hamburg 1997 Sal IV Wesley C. Salmon Logic, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 1973 - German: Logik Stuttgart 1983 Sai V R.M.Sainsbury Paradoxes, Cambridge/New York/Melbourne 1995 - German: Paradoxien Stuttgart 2001 Re III St. Read Thinking About Logic: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Logic. 1995 Oxford University Press German Edition: Philosophie der Logik Hamburg 1997 Sal I Wesley C. Salmon Logic, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 1973 German Edition: Logik Stuttgart 1983 Sal II W. Salmon The Foundations Of Scientific Inference 1967 SalN I N. Salmon Content, Cognition, and Communication: Philosophical Papers II 2007 |
Denotation | Geach | I 28 Denotating expression/Russell/Geach: the denotating expression is a general term after the prefix the, one, every, all, some, etc. >Articles, >Quantifiers, >Quantification, >Demonstratives, >Index words, >Predication, >Attribution, >Sentence/Geach. I 93f Denotating expression/Geach: E.g. Robinson made a lot of money by selling it This is no sentence - "it" without antecedent is no denotating expression. But if a word chain does not have a logical role in a particular context, it does not mean that it never has one. - E.g. Jones has a car and Jones daughter drives it. "has a car" is not denotating: "p and Jones' daughter drives it". > Anaphora. Also not: "there is a car ..." for "p" then: p and that is driven by Jones' daughter. Wrong solution: to look for criteria for "real incidents": these can also be of the wrong kind. E.g. "the only one who ever stole a book from Snead ..." I 190f Denotation of sentences/Carnap/Geach: E.g. DES(English) "red" is red, DES(French) "l'eau" is water etc. - for all x, x is true in L ⇔ DES(L) x. Geach: this offers a definition of "true in L" in terms of "denotation in L"- if it is grammatically not a complete sentence, it is nevertheless in the logical sense. It means roughly: "mon crayon est noir" is true in French". Because "DES(English)"Chicago is a large city" is a complete sentence, "DES(English)" is not a relation sign. We cannot ask "what is it what it denotates," as we cannot ask, "what is it that it rains?" >Translation, >Designation. I 204 Denotation/naming/names of expressions/mention/use/Geach: E.g. A. or is a junctor. If this sentence is to be true, then only when the first word is used to denotate that of which the sentence says something. "Or" is only a junctor (E.g. "but" is a junctor or a verb") in special contexts. >Junctor. Therefore "or" is not used autonym in A (it does not denotate itself). The first word in A is no example here. It is a logical subject, so in the sentence it is no junctor, so the sentence A is wrong. ((s) With and without quotation marks that were saved here) - (s) Or can only be used as a connection, when it is mentioned, it is no longer a connection.) >Mention, >Use, >Mention/use, >Description level, >Level/Order. Mention/use/Geach: Is it wrong to say or is a connection? - No. - Is it wrong to say "or" is a connection? - Yes. |
Gea I P.T. Geach Logic Matters Oxford 1972 |
Supervaluation | Strobach | Strobach I 142 Supervaluation/van Fraassen/Strobach: Proto value: is awarded for a possible world at a time. >Truth values, >Possible worlds. But not true/false, but pure offsetting unit. Junctors: like in propositional logic. >Juctions, >Connectives, >Propositional logic. Atomic statements: then automatically with location and date. Accessibility: varies with the point of time. Alternatives: are worlds that are identical up to t. >Accessibility. Alternatives: Alternatives are worlds that are identical up to t. >Situations, >Identity, >Comparisons, >Comparability, >Change. Evaluation/Supervaluation: ProtoV(~a,‹w,t›) = 1 iff ProtoV(a,‹w,t›) = 0. ProtoV(a v b,‹w,t›) = 1 iff ProtoV(a ,‹w,t›) = 1 ProtoV(~b,‹w,t›) = 1 Accessible world w-™ applies: ProtoV(a,) = 0. Future: here truth value gaps are allowed. >Future, >Truth value gaps. "V(p,) = 1" can be interpreted as "p is true up to w-like reality including t". Actual world: is neither w1 nor w2. >Actual world. |
Stro I N. Strobach Einführung in die Logik Darmstadt 2005 |