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The author or concept searched is found in the following controversies.
Disputed term/author/ism Author Vs Author
Social Darwinism Verschiedene Vs Social Darwinism VIII 462
Relation Selection/Dawkins: frequent mistake students do: to assume that animals would have to count how many relatives they are currently rescuing.
VIII 187
But also Marshall Sahlins' mistakes: SahlinsVsSocioBiology: VsRelation Selection: for this the animals would even have to have linguistic abilities to determine the "relationship coefficient r": r = (ego,cousins) = 1/8.
DawkinsVsSahlins: For example, a snail shell is a perfect logarithmic spiral, but where does the snail have its logarithmic table?
Group Selection/Wynne-Edwards: Thesis: individual animals reduce their own birth rate selflessly for the Benefit of the group. DawkinsVs.
VIII 190
Animals/Death/Birth Rate/Dawkins: free-living animals almost never die of old age, but of diseases, hunger or predators. If they were to control their birth rate, there would be no starvation.