Dictionary of Arguments

Philosophical and Scientific Issues in Dispute

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The author or concept searched is found in the following controversies.
Disputed term/author/ism Author Vs Author
Salmon, N. Schiffer Vs Salmon, N. I 277
"Fido"-Fido-Theory/meaning = reference/Nathan Salmon: (1986): Thesis: pro FFT: (Vs almost all other theorists on belief).
I 278
Salmon: would argue that the that-sentences in (2) and (6) (dog/shmog) refer to the same proposition, because of the identity of doghood and shmoghood. He would argue that the that-sentences in E.g. Lois Lane does not recognize that Clark Kent is Superman.
and Lois Lane does not recognize that Superman is Superman.
refer to the same proposition, because of the identity of Clark Kent and Superman.
Schiffer: and he would also say that the following two that-sentences refer to the same proposition. E.g. my statement
I believe that I am a paragon of virtue.
And (Pointing to a photo of me on which I do not recognize me):
I do not believe that he is a paragon of virtue.
The joint proposition should then be here: .
SchifferVsSalmon, Nathan: E.g. Assume the Superman story is real and we have a naive non-philosopher Floyd, who made the following statement:
(A) Lois Lane does not know that Clark Kent can fly.
Floyd: insists that (A) is true. And that he expressed his belief with his statement..
Salmon: would say that both are wrong! (A) can not be true, for Salmonella, because Clark = Superman. (A) is logically equivalent to
(B) Lois Lane does not know that Superman can fly.
and that is wrong.
Salmon: the common singular proposition is: Superman", the property to be able to fly>.
Statement/Salmon/Pointe: Floyd does not make the statement, because he does not believe it!
Belief/Salmon/Schiffer: for Salmon belief is a binary relation between a believer and a proposition. But this would be (to Salmon!)to be explained by a three-digit belief relation BEL that exists between a believer, a proposition and a w.o.g. (Way of givenness):
B(x,p) iff (Em) BEL (x,p,m).
Solution/Salmon: x can believe p under a BT and do not believe it in another BT. ((s) This is the unanimous opinion and Frege's solution).
Terminology/Salmon: calls the w.o.g. mostly "guise", "appearance" or "way of taking".
SchifferVsSalmon: he does not give a representation of the third term, the w.o.g. (…+…).

Schi I
St. Schiffer
Remnants of Meaning Cambridge 1987

The author or concept searched is found in the following theses of the more related field of specialization.
Disputed term/author/ism Author
Salmon, N. Schiffer I 277
"Fido"-Fido-Theory/Meaning = Reference/Nathan Salmon: (1986): Thesis pro "Fido"-Fido-Theory: (Vs almost all other theorists about belief):
I 278
Salmon: would claim that the sentences in (2) and (6) (dog/shmog) refer to the same proposition because of the identity of dog and shmogh-ness. In addition, he would claim that the that-sentences in the example Lois Lane does not recognize that Clark Kent is Superman
Lois Lane does not recognize that Superman is Superman refers
to the same proposition because of the identity of Clark Kent and Superman.