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The author or concept searched is found in the following 1 entries.
Disputed term/author/ism Author
Entropy Kanitscheider I 256/257
Entropy/Universe/Kanitscheider: the photons of the background radiation supply the lion's share to the entropy of the universe. All photons produced later by stars during nuclear fusion are vanishing in comparison. Now the number of photons forms a measure for the entropy of the universe. And this is because they are the least ordered state of the thermal energy of a system, because here the number of possible states is the largest, while the nucleons represent a correspondingly larger type of order, because of fewer possible combinations.
This is not affected by the pure expansion itself! (The expansion is adiabatic and therefore isentropic (sic)).
Because of the small entropy production of the stars the entropy of the universe remains nearly constant.
The high specific entropy of the universe (the number of photons per baryon) s = N(γ)/N(b) +108 already existed at the time of plasma recombination or at the transition from the radiation-dominated to the matter-dominated era.
This suggests weighty dissipative smoothing processes in the early time. But even this leads to a much too high value, if one assumes an initial chaotic state.
The actual value demands that the universe 10 35 sec after the big bang was already homogeneous.
I 257/58
If one lets a space-like hypersurface intersect by our past light cone and considers the individual events on this hypersurface, then it can be asserted on the basis of the above connections that all events presumably possess a singularity in their past, because the high degree of homogeneity at early times conditions the convergence of the time-like geodesics directed from these event points. >Universe/Kanitscheider, >Space-Time/Kanitscheider.

Kanitsch I
B. Kanitscheider
Kosmologie Stuttgart 1991

Kanitsch II
B. Kanitscheider
Im Innern der Natur Darmstadt 1996

The author or concept searched is found in the following 3 controversies.
Disputed term/author/ism Author Vs Author
Anthropic Principle Vollmer Vs Anthropic Principle II 95
Consciousness/Evolution/VollmerVsAnthropic Principle: the question "why did consciousness need to be formed?" is based on a misconception. It did not have to happen at all.
II 252
VollmerVsAnthropic Principle: an unsatisfactory explanation establishes a link between the nature of the world and the existence of intelligent observers, but this link is not a causal one and therefore does not provide a causal explanation! It actually waives an explanation. That may be appropriate.
The connection could probably be described like this ((s) but one would have to refrain from stating an inevitable development):
The universe is as old as it is, because if it were younger, and if it were older, it could no longer exist.
And it is as big as it is, because, if it were smaller, no nuclear fusion could take place and it could not have remained stable for long.
II 253
Only beings in an entropy vale can ask such questions at all.
II 252
Entropy/Universe/Boltzmann/Vollmer: according to him, the universe as a whole is in thermodynamic equilibrium, i.e. in entropy maximum.

Vollmer I
G. Vollmer
Was können wir wissen? Bd. I Die Natur der Erkenntnis. Beiträge zur Evolutionären Erkenntnistheorie Stuttgart 1988

Vollmer II
G. Vollmer
Was können wir wissen? Bd II Die Erkenntnis der Natur. Beiträge zur modernen Naturphilosophie Stuttgart 1988
Boltzmann, L. Vollmer Vs Boltzmann, L. II 252
Entropy/Universe/Boltzmann/Vollmer: according to him, the universe as a whole is in thermodynamic equilibrium, i.e. in the entropy maximum.
II 253
VollmerVsBoltzmann: the observations speak against it! If we penetrate more distant parts of the universe, we always find low entropy. According to Boltzmann, higher entropy could be assumed in our neighborhood!
According to Boltzmann, we would also have to assume higher entropy values (greater disorder) in the past than we do today.
VollmerVsBoltzmann: then all our fossils would have been created by chance.
G. Vollmer
I Vollmer Was können wir wissen? Bd I Die Natur der Erkenntnis - Beiträge zur evolutionären Erkenntnistheorie, Stuttgart 1988

II Vollmer Was können wir wiessen? Bd II Die Erkenntnis der Natur - Beiträge zur
modernen Naturphilosophie, Stuttgart 1988
Hawking, St. Verschiedene Vs Hawking, St. Brian Greene Das elegante Universum - Superstrings Berlin, 2000
IX 387
Black Hole/Entropy/Bekenstein: (also > Genz): For example, suppose a pump transports all objects, also all air and thus also all disorder from my office into a black hole. Then I sit in a cold but tidy room. From this it follows that black holes must have entropy because they have to compensate for the entropy decrease outside.
Since the total area of the event horizon of a black hole grows with mass increase, Bekenstein concluded that it is an accurate measure of entropy.
IX 388
Problem: entropy, as discussed here, is a quantum mechanical phenomenon, while black holes belong to classical physics.
IX 390
Black Holes/Black Hole/Hawking: (1974): Discovery: black holes are not completely black - they radiate - so they even have a calculable temperature - so they also have an identity.
IX 388
Black Hole/HawkingVsBekenstein: if black holes have entropy, then we must also attribute a temperature to the growing surface of the event horizon. So we prefer to do without entropy. Entropy could also simply be lost if matter that has this entropy falls into this black hole.
IX 390
Hawking 1974. Discovery: black holes are not completely black. They radiate. So they even have a calculable temperature. In this way they also achieve an identity!
Temperature of the black hole: at solar mass about one hundred millionth of a degree above zero. The lower its mass, the warmer it is and the more radiant it is. A black hole with the mass of an asteroid would radiate as violently as a hydrogen bomb with one million megatons.
From this one can conclude that they must be very rare.
Temperature/Entropy/Black Hole: behave inversely proportional.
IX 391
"But disorder of what?"
IX 473
Black Hole/String Theory: the black hole, which occur at the space-time-splitting Conifold transitions, do not emit any Hawking radiation because they are extremal, i.e. they possess a certain charge. Alan Guth, Die Geburt des Kosmos aus dem Nichts, Munich 1997
VI 372
GuthVsHawking: Hawking hadn't admitted to a mistake and then presented his new calculations to a wide audience, which were inspired by Guth and others.

The author or concept searched is found in the following disputes of scientific camps.
Disputed term/author/ism Pro/Versus
Disquotationalism II 259 Field
Def Disquotationalism / Field: the thesis that the question in virtue of which facts e.g. "entropy" refers to entropy, is meaningless.

The author or concept searched is found in the following 2 theses of the more related field of specialization.
Disputed term/author/ism Author
Nernst Feynman, R. I 633
Postulate Nernst: Thesis: the entropy of any object at absolute zero is equal to zero; therefore, we can obtain the entropy at any point.
Disquotationalism Field, Hartry II 164
Disquotational true/disquotational reference/Field: corresponds to the thesis that Tarskian truth is not contingent empirical - necessary: both "p" is true iff p - as well as: It is true that p iff p - because the equality between possible worlds is not defined - is always related to an actual world.
II 259
Def Disquotationalism/Field: the thesis that the question by which facts "entropy" refers to entropy is meaningless.