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The author or concept searched is found in the following 4 entries.
Disputed term/author/ism Author
Paternalism Mill Höffe I 353
Paternalism/MillVsPaternalism/Mill/Höffe: As an uncompromising opponent of all state paternalism, Mill considers neither the physical nor the moral self-interest a sufficient justification for public action. The philosopher is not so naive,
Höfe I 354
to apply this principle to all people, even children or young people. He explicitly refers only to "people with fully developed abilities", more precisely to those who "the law speaks of maturely as men and women". >Democracy, >Political representation, >Politics, >Society.

1. J.St. Mill. On Liberty, 1859

Mill I
John St. Mill
A System of Logic, Ratiocinative and Inductive, London 1843
German Edition:
Von Namen, aus: A System of Logic, London 1843
Eigennamen, Ursula Wolf Frankfurt/M. 1993

Mill II
J. St. Mill
Utilitarianism: 1st (First) Edition Oxford 1998

Höffe I
Otfried Höffe
Geschichte des politischen Denkens München 2016
Paternalism Thaler Mause I 177f
Paternalism/Thaler/Sunstein: Thesis: Paternalism is not avoidable in all situations. In many cases, an actor or organization must make a decision that necessarily influences the decision-making options of other individuals. (1) For example, the canteen management influences the choice of food.
It is not the case that paternalistic intervention must be associated with coercion.
Def Liberal Paternalism/Thaler/Sunstein: a paternalism without coercion, which is also acceptable to liberals. Liberal paternalism is intended to improve the position of those affected, whereby this improvement is measured under the following conditions (or assumptions):
1. unlimited cognitive abilities
2. no weakness of will
3. perfect information.
See also Subsidiarity/Thaler.
VsPaternalism: liberal paternalism differs from traditional paternalism: 1) it does not limit the freedom of choice between existing options;
2) It is based on the preferences of the individual and not on those of an external regulator. See Nudging/Thaler.
(s)VsPaternalism: Problem: where is the line to be drawn between paternalism and liberal paternalism in the case of opting-in and opting-out? E.g. Organ donation: a) The acceptance of tacit consent or the demand for an explicit objection to organ donation - b) The demand for an explicit declaration of consent.
Mause I 179
SchnellenbachVsThaler/SchnellenbachVsSunstein/SchnellenbachVsPaternalism: 1) it is not about reducing alternatives, because even in traditional paternalism the number of alternatives is not reduced. Only the opportunity costs of the alternatives will be different. 2) Liberal paternalism can only assume what the preferences of a conditional individual will be. See Hayek "pretense of Knowledge", See Paternalism/Hayek.

1. Thaler, Richard H., und Cass R. Sunstein. 2003. Libertarian paternalism. American Economic Review 93, (2), 2003, S. 175– 179.
2. Jan Schnellenbach, Wohlwollendes Anschubsen: Was ist mit liberalem Paternalismus zu erreichen und was sind seine Nebenwirkungen? Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik 12 (4) 2011, S.445-459.

EconThaler I
Richard Thaler
Misbehaving: The Making of Behavioral Economics New York 2016

Mause I
Karsten Mause
Christian Müller
Klaus Schubert,
Politik und Wirtschaft: Ein integratives Kompendium Wiesbaden 2018
Preferences Thaler Mause I 178
Preferences/Thaler/Sunstein: Thaler and Sunstein's thesis of liberal paternalism: it does not limit the freedom of choice between existing options. (1) >Paternalism.
SchnellenbachVsThaler/VsSunstein/VsPaternalism: Problem: preferences, especially long-term preferences, are difficult to identify. They may only be "expressive" ((s) non-linguistically expressed) or the result of little informed consideration.
Ultimately, liberal paternalism is based on the same fictitious average individual as traditional paternalism.
Another problem: people without self-management problems are prevented from freely forming their preferences. (2)

1. Thaler, Richard H., und Cass R. Sunstein, Nudge: Wie man kluge Entscheidungen anstößt. Berlin 2009
2. Jan Schnellenbach, Wohlwollendes Anschubsen: Was ist mit liberalem Paternalismus zu erreichen und was sind seine Nebenwirkungen? Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik 12 (4) 2011, S.445-459.

EconThaler I
Richard Thaler
Misbehaving: The Making of Behavioral Economics New York 2016

Mause I
Karsten Mause
Christian Müller
Klaus Schubert,
Politik und Wirtschaft: Ein integratives Kompendium Wiesbaden 2018
Subsidiarity Eucken Mause I 72
Subsidiarity/Eucken: thesis: the construction of society should take place from the bottom up. "...what individuals or groups can do independently, they should do so on their own initiative to the best of their ability. And the state should only intervene where its assistance is in no way to be missed". (1) Originally, the principle of subsidiarity originated in Catholic social teaching. (2)
This is about minimizing state coercion. (3) SubsidiarityVsPaternalism.
>Subsidiarity/Thaler, Paternalism/Musgrave.

1. W. Eucken, Grundsätze der Wirtschaftspolitik, Tübingen 2004, S. 348.
2. Pius XI. 1931. Enzyklika Quadragesimo anno. http:// www. uibk. ac. at/ theol/ leseraum/ texte/ 319. html. Access Date 16.10.2016.
3. Hensel, K. Paul, Ordnungspolitische Betrachtungen zur katholischen Soziallehre. ORDO – Jahrbuch für die Ordnung von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft 2, 1949. S. 229– 269.

EconEuck I
Walter Eucken
Grundsätze der Wirtschaftspolitik Tübingen 1952

Mause I
Karsten Mause
Christian Müller
Klaus Schubert,
Politik und Wirtschaft: Ein integratives Kompendium Wiesbaden 2018

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