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Lexicon of Arguments

Information for Students - Universities - Researchers - Libraries

Lexicon of Arguments for students.

Your platform:
Upload your own excerpts -
benefit from the exerpts of others.

Your preparation
book pile
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Your Name Internet Search
Your Paper

Structure your own work

Organize your notes and annotations.
Make them available for others.
Embed your results into a context.
Display the context of the discussion.
Structure of contents:
Problem - argument - counter argument


Publish yourself

You can publish your contribution,
E.g. an excerpt of a problem.
Your name will be open to the Google Search.

Collect ECTS-Points

Your points can be credited.
Initiate a collaboration with your university.

Semester projects

Start a semester project on your topic.
Publish the results.
Propose a project at your university.

Propose your own entry

You can publish an entry in our lexicon.
An early publication is the best protection.

What are the first steps to your own contribution?

  1. Study the lexicon in order to experience the particular style
    Search: in which controversies does an author emerge?
    Spreadsheets: the arguments appear in synopses
  2. Try your own contribution - you can see a preview. [Forms]
  3. 3. Send us your excerpt - you don't have to go through a whole book.
    It is about single arguments - in the lexicon they are embedded into a bigger context.
    We do not make excerpts of whole books.
  4. Our users can contribute anonymously, too. Just use your User-ID.


Compile your own Lexicon of Arguments.
This helps to focus on decisive statements.

Reference management software

Your platform:
Upload your own excerpts - benefit from the excerpts of others.

Screenshot table
Your publication

Your publication

Automatic Import/Export     Mendeley - Citavi - zotero - EndNote - BibTeX

You can export your preparation and your excerpts directly from your reference management software into the lexicon.
Findings from the lexicon can directly be imported into your reference management.
You can directly import them into Word, too.
The metadata will be included.

Every entry can be exported.
[Video Tutorials]

What is the sense of the project?
Nobody has time to read all the full texts.
Everyone wants their decisive argument to be found.
The Lexicon of Arguments helps to find a way.

Lost in the library?

When you want to assess whether a book is relevant for your topic, our cross-author index will help you.
Lexicon of Arguments for Universities.
ForNew lexicons for your field of specialization.
Semester projects The lecturer can be the editor.

Semester projects

Propose a semester project on your topic.
The lecturer can be the editor.
Create a new lexicon with your contents.
Apply for funding

Is the claim of scientificity maintained?

The contributors help each other find mistakes.
This does not take place in public.
Forms for automatic corrections are available.
All contributions have to be accompanied by references.
[Form for corrections]    [Forms for contributions]

New Lexicons of Arguments/
Apply for funding

History, legal theory, psychology, social sciences
linguistics, art theory, other
Initiate new projects.

Customized solutions

Structuring of results
Publication immediately or later
Your password protected area on our website

Integration into your library

Teachers, students and alumni
can document their work.
Content search e.g. ["VsChomsky"] - ["ChomskyVs"]
Technical solution: SRU-Interface

Long-term cooperation

Integrate the lexicon in your work at the graduate institute.

Our full text search provides structured results
Screenshot Searchresults
Lexicon of Arguments for Researchers.
Find out whether
your ideas
have already been
worked out by others.
Use our lexicon as a
Pre-Print-Server and Post-Print-Server.
Your protected area
    on our website.

Protect your results

Use our lexicon as a
Pre-Print-Server and Post-Print-Server
Your protected area on our website

Discuss your results with other researchers

Send the context of your arguments directly to your fellows.
Display the arguments for a poblem in your forum.
Find a larger audience for your theses.

Knowledge base

Help us establish an ever larger
database for your field of specialization.
Your name will be open to the Google Search.
You can use your reference management software:
Mendeley – zotero -. Citavi – EndNote

State of the Art

Find out whether your ideas have already been worked on by others
Display how your arguments have been derived from the discussion within your field. -
Showcase the novelty of your arguments.

New Lexicons of Arguments for your field

Initiate a project in your researchers network
and your professional society.
Apply for funding.

Outlook for the project

Better semantic search by
pre-structuring of the texts


Terminologies - Symbols

Specified terminologies and notations
Deviant use of concepts and symbols

Theories - Scientific Camps

Which concepts are characteristic of a theory?
Which concepts are avoided by a scientific camp?

Lexicon of Arguments for Libraries/Archives.
SRU: Search and retrieve via URL
Cross-author search Lexicon of Arguments – We decompose texts.

Book pile
Screenshot Table

The Lexicon of Arguments enables cross-author content search

"Context aware search" - Search and Retrieval via URL (SRU)
[XML - SRU - Interface]    [Example for the structuring]


Examples for content search results:


Cross-author search results

The Lexicon of Arguments compiles controversies from the academic literature.

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