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Kehre: The Kehre, or "turn" in Martin Heidegger's philosophy, refers to a shift in his focus from the question of being to the question of language. This shift is evident in his later works, such as Holzwege (1950) and Identity and Difference (1957). See also Being, Nothingness, M. Heidegger._____________Annotation: The above characterizations of concepts are neither definitions nor exhausting presentations of problems related to them. Instead, they are intended to give a short introduction to the contributions below. – Lexicon of Arguments. | |||
Author | Concept | Summary/Quotes | Sources |
Martin Heidegger on Kehre - Dictionary of Arguments
Gadamer I 262 Kehre/Heidegger/Gadamer: What Heidegger finally called "the Kehre" was not a new turn in the movement of transcendental reflection, but the release and execution (...) of this task: to raise Nietzsche's radical critique of "Platonism" to the level of the tradition he criticized, to meet Western metaphysics on its own level, to recognize and overcome the transcendental question as a consequence of modern subjectivism (...). >Platonism, >Subjectivism, >F. Nietzsche. Gadamer: Although "Being and Time" critically revealed the ontological underdeterminedness of Husserl's concept of transcendental subjectivity, it had itself formulated its own exposition of the question of being with transcendental philosophical means. In truth, however, the renewal of the question of being, which Heidegger had set himself as a task, meant that in the midst of phenomenology he recognized the unresolved fundamental problem of metaphysics, which in its final culmination was concealed in the concept of the spirit as speculative idealism had conceived it. Heidegger's tendency therefore aimed, through the critique of Husserl, at the ontological critique of speculative idealism. In his foundation of the "hermeneutics of factuality" (>Hermeneutics/Heidegger) he transgressed the concept of the spirit that classical idealism had developed as much as the thematic field of transcendental consciousness purified by phenomenological reduction. Cf. >E. Husserl._____________Explanation of symbols: Roman numerals indicate the source, arabic numerals indicate the page number. The corresponding books are indicated on the right hand side. ((s)…): Comment by the sender of the contribution. Translations: Dictionary of Arguments The note [Concept/Author], [Author1]Vs[Author2] or [Author]Vs[term] resp. "problem:"/"solution:", "old:"/"new:" and "thesis:" is an addition from the Dictionary of Arguments. If a German edition is specified, the page numbers refer to this edition. |
Hei III Martin Heidegger Sein und Zeit Tübingen 1993 Gadamer I Hans-Georg Gadamer Wahrheit und Methode. Grundzüge einer philosophischen Hermeneutik 7. durchgesehene Auflage Tübingen 1960/2010 Gadamer II H. G. Gadamer The Relevance of the Beautiful, London 1986 German Edition: Die Aktualität des Schönen: Kunst als Spiel, Symbol und Fest Stuttgart 1977 |