Philosophy Dictionary of Arguments

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 Second Order Logic, HOL - Philosophy Dictionary of Arguments
2nd order Logic: Predicate logic of the 2nd order goes beyond predicate logic of the 1st level allowing quantification over properties and relations, and not just objects. Thus comparisons of the powerfulness of sets become possible. Problems which are expressed in everyday terms with terms such as "greater", "between", etc., and e.g. the specification of all the properties of an object require predicate logic of the 2nd order. Since the 2nd level logic is not complete (because there are, for example, an infinite number of properties of properties), one often tries to get on with the logic of the 1st order.
Annotation: The above characterizations of concepts are neither definitions nor exhausting presentations of problems related to them. Instead, they are intended to give a short introduction to the contributions below. – Lexicon of Arguments.
Author Item    More concepts for author
Bigelow, John Second Order Logic, HOL   Bigelow, John
Cresswell, Maxwell J. Second Order Logic, HOL   Cresswell, Maxwell J.
Field, Hartry Second Order Logic, HOL   Field, Hartry
Logic Texts Second Order Logic, HOL   Logic Texts
Wittgenstein, Ludwig Second Order Logic, HOL   Wittgenstein, Ludwig

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