Philosophy Dictionary of Arguments

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 Solipsism - Philosophy Dictionary of Arguments
Solipsism: is an expression for the thesis that the external world is a projection of a subject, and consequently this subject exists as the only one. See also skepticism, certainty, perception, methodical solipsism, internalism, externalism, will, self-attribution, foreign psychological, private language, privileged access.
Annotation: The above characterizations of concepts are neither definitions nor exhausting presentations of problems related to them. Instead, they are intended to give a short introduction to the contributions below. – Lexicon of Arguments.
Author Item    More concepts for author
Berkeley, George Solipsism   Berkeley, George
Chisholm, Roderick Solipsism   Chisholm, Roderick
Davidson, Donald Solipsism   Davidson, Donald
Evans, Gareth Solipsism   Evans, Gareth
Genz, Hennig Solipsism   Genz, Hennig
Husserl, Edmund Solipsism   Husserl, Edmund
Nagel, Thomas Solipsism   Nagel, Thomas
Wittgenstein, Ludwig Solipsism   Wittgenstein, Ludwig

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